Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New "Antique' Doll

 She's all painted now
and ready to assemble!

 Here's the next dolly in progress. I'm going for a more antique feel with this one. I have again used paper clay over paper mache and have chosen to sculpt her hair. In my opinion, there's something slightly creepy about doll hair.... or maybe it's just that I haven't yet perfected the art of hair.  Fortunately for me, many of the old dolls had painted/sculpted hair.    @:-)


  1. Looking really good Daphne! I know what ya mean about doll hair being kinda creepy, especialy when they used human hair, eek! But I'm still going to give it a try soon. I just ordered some (don't gag);-)
    Did ya name your beautiful doll in previous post yet? Love her!

  2. Thanks Nan! Can't wait to see what you do with the doll hair. I know it will be totally fab and not creepy in the slightest. #:-)

    I resisted strong temptation and did not name her 'Claymilla Paperia'. In short, she is 'Emma'.


  3. the hair are very beatiful for thi doll!
    i capelli sono perfetti per questa bambola, sono molto curiosa di vedere il resto!
    good, bravissima, sei geniale!

  4. Thanks Sandy!

    Sa, la ringrazio molto per le sue cortesi osservazioni!


  5. She's wonderful! I love her Miss Daphne!
